
We love to hear the positive effects we’re having on students and families, and we’re proud to share this praise. Student names have been changed.

Thank you for all your help and support for Paige,  as you give her knowledge & confidence and through this she is thinking outside the square of different possibilities that she would never have thought/considered before, and I thank you for that.
Year 10 Mother
I just wanted to thank you and your team for the great work you have been doing with Benji. He has grown in confidence and has really stepped up his commitment to learning, both in your classes and at school. His teacher has seen an improvement in him this term, not just in Maths, but across all subject matters, and that’s thanks to the great work you do at ELC.
Year 5 Father
Thanks again for all your assistance with Bryce.  It is amazing how positive she has become in such a short space of time.  Her enthusiasm is back for Maths, which is absolutely wonderful.
Year 10 Mother
Thanks for all your help with William - applying for the Shanghai school would have been almost impossible without William's good grades and jumping into the higher year would definitely not have been an option before ELC.
Mother of Year 8 son, family moving to China

I need to say a big thank you to everyone at ELC, Taliah has grown in leaps and bounds since starting with you, and with math, let's just say I had a comment from her teacher that she was skipping too far ahead in a math one lesson - Teigan's response was "Its just algebra, Mum".  She is a lot more confident than I expected about high school next year.  I have had many comments from her teachers about how she has changed over the year.  That would not be possible without a team of people in her corner, and the crew at ELC who we call "Her secret weapon" have been a key component for us.  

 We shall look forward to seeing her grow as she starts high school with ELC definitely a key part of the team.

Year 6 Mother
Thank you for making the girls' confidence grow, especially in maths.  They don't mind doing exams knowing they're familiar with the subject. They'll even attempt the complex unfamiliar questions.
Years 7 & 8 Mother
It has been truly invaluable for both kids, and the change in their confidence, self-belief, aspirations for the future and of course knowledge has been huge. The fact that common courtesies are one of the most important, almost subliminal, lessons when walking into ELC is wonderful (and unfortunately not so common in society anymore…). We will definitely return to ELC as it is such a positive and supportive environment with clear results.  
Year 4 and 7 Mother
I want to thank Leo and the team at ELC for supporting Petra last year, it has certainly helped her with her development and growth with education – something that we were not able to do for her. 
Year 10 mother
We have recently had calls from 2 of her teachers praising her improved performance towards the end of last term and how much she has lifted. The reason for the feedback from them was to advise us that the average results showing on her End of Term report is a reflection on her performance for the entire term but that her end of term performance has lifted her from a C & D student to a B. It’s been a great boost to her confidence as well, which I think will certainly reflect on her grades for this coming term.
Year 11 Father
My daughter from Siena Catholic College has been attending ELC for both her Year 11 and Year 12.  She has found ELC to be incredibly helpful for her to understand the curriculum and the assignments required for many of her subjects in her senior years.  I am so thankful to ELC for supporting and guiding her to do the best she can. I have found ELC to be a great foundation of knowledge to support senior students.
Year 12 Mother
I think the best decision I ever made was sending Thom to ELC at such a young age. Even though he didn't appreciate it or comprehend that it was benefiting him at the beginning, the early introduction of Algebra made such a difference to his Maths, confidence and personal growth. I think it took him until high school to realise what a difference ELC was making to him. I am really proud of how he knuckled down over the last few years. Thanks again to you and Dan especially for supporting and working with Thom over the years.
Year 12 Mother
Thank you so much for the on-going support you and your team have provided to both of our boys over the last few years.   You have made such a positive impact to how our boys see themselves as learners and their perseverance in tasks.
Year 6 and 8 mother

Connor has gone well last term, a huge improvement with maths. Thank you.

Year 7 Mother
Your help and support from all the team at ELC has been integral in Zander's support and guidance. I always recommend you to patients.
Year 11 Mother
Thank you for the work that you have done with my children this year.  Tullie walked in a bit nervous to be honest, but we have seen her confidence turn significantly in such a short time. Last week alone she bounced out of class to tell me about an algorithm exercise, her teacher had varying levels of the exercise, she took the hardest one, and yes, did it with ease.  When I questioned her, she told me that "I learnt it at Leo's already".  Let's just say that while I have never doubted her at all, I can't ever remember hearing that.
Year 5 Mother
"I’m delighted to say that Gahan passed his [UK] Sixth Form entrance papers with flying colours. To have performed as well as he has, given all that he has gone through over the last few months, is just incredible. He should be so proud of all that he has achieved."

I thought you at ELC would enjoy reading this from the new Master. 

We can not thank you enough. It is not only fun for Gahan to work with you both and your team but also incredibly effective. 

Mother, moving to the UK
I have heard nothing but good about ELC. My son's friends recommended ELC to him. He is not that keen on school, so for him to want to have extra tuition is something! You couldn't possibly get better recommendation, with it coming from teenage boys!
Year 10 Mother
Thank you for keeping Jas stimulated over the past 21 months. She has looked forward to her sessions every week.
Year 6 mother
I would like to say my daughter Milli is thoroughly enjoying her sessions so far. I saw her working at the kitchen table for the first time! She wishes she had attended earlier since she is already midway through year 11.
ELC Mother, Year 11

Our favourite feedback from 2019

Thanks again for all your assistance with Bryce.  It is amazing how positive she has become in such a short space of time.  Her enthusiasm is back for Maths, which is absolutely wonderful.
Year 10 Mother
December 2019
My daughter from Siena Catholic College has been attending ELC for both her Year 11 and Year 12.  She has found ELC to be incredibly helpful for her to understand the curriculum and the assignments required for many of her subjects in her senior years.  I am so thankful to ELC for supporting and guiding her to do the best she can. I have found ELC to be a great foundation of knowledge to support senior students.
Year 12 Mother
October 2019
Thanks for all your help with William - applying for the Shanghai school would have been almost impossible without William's good grades and jumping into the higher year would definitely not have been an option before ELC.
Mother of Year 8 son, family moving to China
"I’m delighted to say that Gahan passed his [UK] Sixth Form entrance papers with flying colours. To have performed as well as he has, given all that he has gone through over the last few months, is just incredible. He should be so proud of all that he has achieved."

I thought you at ELC would enjoy reading this from the new Master. 

We can not thank you enough. It is not only fun for Gahan to work with you both and your team but also incredibly effective. 

Mother, moving to the UK
March 2019
Year 7 MotherNovember 2019

Connor has gone well last term, a huge improvement with maths. Thank you.

I want to thank Leo and the team at ELC for supporting Petra last year, it has certainly helped her with her development and growth with education – something that we were not able to do for her. 
Year 10 mother
January 2018
Thank you for keeping Jas stimulated over the past 21 months. She has looked forward to her sessions every week.
Year 6 mother
September 2019

I need to say a big thank you to everyone at ELC, Taliah has grown in leaps and bounds since starting with you, and with math, let's just say I had a comment from her teacher that she was skipping too far ahead in a math one lesson - Teigan's response was "Its just algebra, Mum".  She is a lot more confident than I expected about high school next year.  I have had many comments from her teachers about how she has changed over the year.  That would not be possible without a team of people in her corner, and the crew at ELC who we call "Her secret weapon" have been a key component for us.  

 We shall look forward to seeing her grow as she starts high school with ELC definitely a key part of the team.

Year 6 Mother
November 2019

Our favourite feedback from 2018 and 2017

We really appreciate the support you and Leo have provided with Tamara's confidence in Maths and learning in general. She is rounding out what can be a challenging time for her age group into a successful start to the next stage in her education.
Year 6 Mother
August 2017
Year 5 MotherMay 2018
Thank you for the work that you have done with my children this year.  Tullie walked in a bit nervous to be honest, but we have seen her confidence turn significantly in such a short time. Last week alone she bounced out of class to tell me about an algorithm exercise, her teacher had varying levels of the exercise, she took the hardest one, and yes, did it with ease.  When I questioned her, she told me that "I learnt it at Leo's already".  Let's just say that while I have never doubted her at all, I can't ever remember hearing that.
Your help and support from all the team at ELC has been integral in Zander's support and guidance. I always recommend you to patients.
Year 11 Mother
Thank you for your support. Tarah is so much more confident and enjoys Maths rather than it being a struggle. We really appreciate ELC and look forward to involving our other girls at some stage soon.
Year 5 Parent
September 2017
Thank you for the feedback on Kiara.  She has really enjoyed the Yr 6 work – the boost to her confidence is 2nd to none. FYI she’s moved up to a new maths group in class now, too, that she loves, and which is working closely with her everyday teacher, so massive confidence boost in last few weeks, and I think she’s realised the rewards with putting in effort. Plus her report card was awesome from the comments about her application to study and effort, all very positive.
Year 4 Parent
June 2017
You will be pleased to know that Amiel was awarded a academic scholarship at both Flinders and Grammar! Thank you so much for your advice.
ELC Parent
April 2017
I have heard nothing but good about ELC. My son's friends recommended ELC to him. He is not that keen on school, so for him to want to have extra tuition is something! You couldn't possibly get better recommendation, with it coming from teenage boys!
Year 10 Mother
May 2018
I would like to say my daughter Milli is thoroughly enjoying her sessions so far. I saw her working at the kitchen table for the first time! She wishes she had attended earlier since she is already midway through year 11.
ELC Mother, Year 11
April 2018
The girls love coming to ELC to get their minds stimulated and challenged. They are both looking forward to continuing next year. Thank you for creating a wonderful environment.
Year 5 & 6 mother
December 2017
Year 4 MotherAugust 2017
We had parent/teacher interview last week and her teacher was very complimentary of Cherie's hard work and desire to learn and grow. She's really loving her Mondays with you and we've seen her really grow and mature under your guidance this year.  What a massive change of mindset of feeling hopeless and dumb to her love of learning now. THANK YOU so much for building her confidence and believing in her.  She just glows when she comes back upstairs now !!!!
Sage absolutely loves the positive reinforcement she receives at ELC; she has the biggest smile when she comes home!
ELC Parent
May 2017
Thank you so much for your work with Jamie.   He really enjoys himself and we are so relieved to have him come home energised and, most importantly, engaged. His comments to us, "that's how education should be".
Parent of Year 11 student

Our favourite feedback from 2016

Thank you for an amazing schooling life at ELC. Words cannot describe how much it has enhanced both my schoolwork and personal development into a young adult. We always had great fun together too, and for that I wanted to say a massive thank-you.
ELC Year 12 student
November 2016
ELC ParentOctober 2016
Your contribution to that is not forgotten and appreciated so much. I can not thank you both enough for your support and sharing of your time and wisdom with the lad. It will take him far, and I know he holds the experience he had there with you both very dear. As do I.
I want to thank you for the effort and energy you are putting into Tim. I am really happy that he is able to talk to you about his future, and coming to see you has kept him on track. It is really difficult for me to know where he is at (I guess most mothers of teenage boys would say the same), so having your support has certainly reduced my stress. Thank you again for your input with my son. I appreciate it more than you could know.
ELC Parents
I loved how eager he was to go last week and the beaming smile. He was so happy when I picked him up. He tells everyone that he loves coming to see Dan and Leo. He is loving his sight words.  He is starting to take pride in his work. I appreciate what you guys have done for David. At the start of last year David was less engaged than Eliza is. He wouldn't hold a pencil or write or even look at a page.  
ELC Parent
May 2016
Hi Leo, Just wanted to tell you thank you. Thank you for everything that you do, and for inspiring me to always work hard, never give up, and of course, "play the game". Have a great day, Leah :)
ELC Student
March 2016
I am so grateful for the opportunity to have learnt from you this year. You and your team are inspiring and I have garnered so much from this experience that I will take with me to university and beyond.
ELC Year 12 Student
October 2016
The boys are doing very well! They both now love their maths and are both in the top level extension maths classes in their grades. Thank you for helping to foster their confidence. With Evan about to start Year 7, we are looking forward to watching what the next few years will bring.
ELC Parent
October 2016
George is so looking forward to next week rather than being stressed, so that is so good. We so appreciate your take on things and the manner in which we have prepared for these examinations. It has been a real adventure and a delight in the process, and all due to your wonderful guidance with everything. I am so, so grateful to you and Leo. Words just do not cut it, but know from the heart.
L.D., Parent
June 2016
ELC ParentMay 2016
Ticked all my boxes, and thank you, thank you so much for the time and effort you and Leo specifically, but also all your educators, have put into Gregor getting through this. We so appreciate it and it has made this time fun actually.

Our favourite feedback from 2015

Thanks so much, Dan. You guys have always been wonderfully supportive. See you next week.
ELC Parent
September 2015
Your work with Anna has been outstanding and came at a difficult time of school transition for Anna. I believe you have played a CRITICAL role in Anna’s perception of herself as a capable and clever learner.
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for your efforts with Christina and I too have taken on board some great advice from you for which I am most appreciative. My very best wishes to you and your team and I will continue to highly recommend you.
March 2015
I would like to say thank you for everything you have shown Brayden over the last 6 months. He seems more confident and I’m pleased to say that he received a B for maths this term – a remarkable improvement. Thanks again.
March 2015
ELC Parent
Thanks again. Last week he came out of the lesson really happy and said that he had learnt a lot. He was so pleased that he had a young lady helping him throughout the lesson who explained everything to him really well. He was so chuffed with himself last week. He wanted to tell me everything he had learnt. He also told me, that was the best day he has had there since joining.
March 2015
ELC Parent
Thank you, Leo. I am happy at how organised Anna has become and she really is trying hard. PS I met with ACE maths teacher – she is impressed with Zain’s eagerness and knowledge. Thank you all.
March 2015
ELC Parent
I have never forgotten your extraordinary kindness to our family, and wisdom and insight. It is amazing to realise that the school we had put so much faith in was also holding our gal back in so many ways, but luckily for us we had the opportunity to give life another go and it has really paid off. I saw another one of your students the other day, Darcy. She is going really well at Uni and is such a great kid – it was her mum that told me to find you – she is now an amazing young woman and I know you also played a part in that change as well. Thank you for being such an amazing human being, I hope you are still teaching kids and having a great life. Would love to hear from you sometime.
March 2015
ELC Parent
Words cannot express the gratitude for what you have given us and the help with Ashton’s education after he lost so much schooling time while being sick. Ashton and I will pop in soon to thank you in person.
ELC Parent
April 2015
Thanks Leo – those are some great strategies. I feel much better now I have a constructive way forward.
March 2015
We can’t thank you enough for what you have helped Harrison achieve and his results and confidence are proof of this. Once again, thank you.
March 2015
ELC Parent
I wanted to thank you and your team for your continued great work with Sarah! She just brought home an ‘A’ for a result in Literature, which I read and asked her comprehension questions about prior to handing it in. I am completely across the work and the teaching of understanding to Sarah that you and the team put in. Which is so important. She understood her work completely. Thank you. She has come a long way in just over 12 months and was completely prepared for High School. Her results are continuing to improve. Thank You, Leo, for all you give to Sarah and my family.
March 2015
ELC Parent
Thank you so much, Leo. Laine has gained much from coming to ELC.
February 2015
ELC Parent
Thanks for making such an impression on the girls today. They all left on a high and really enjoyed their time with you. It is a real novelty for them to receive homework and they have completed their tasks already. Hopefully this enthusiasm continues! Looking forward to next week.
February 2015
ELC Parent