Our Program

At ELC, we engage students in learning in a way that best satisfies their own needs, connecting with who they are and moving forward. Once engaged, the moving forward can be steady paced, nurtured, wholly supported… or fast tracked, student directed! Great fun!

Students learn to their potential.

ELC operates learning expectations as a school, however, with a strong emphasis on vertical learning.

All subject areas, including:

Mathematics, English (including reading, writing, listening, speaking) and other areas of learning as the need may be: geography, government, knowledge of the world, chemistry, physics, biology, essay writing (in ALL subjects, according to their task sheet).

We provide:

  • structured, safe environments.
  • personalised learning.

We have understanding of, and work to achieve in the following areas:

  • student Learning and Management
  • connecting with students
  • assessments to suit individual needs
  • tuition in all areas
  • individual care and attention
  • building self-esteem / self-confidence
  • working with families
  • working with schools
  • connecting with an individual’s concerns
  • pastoral care
  • fast-tracked learning
  • self-paced learning
  • different learning styles
  • intelligent thinking
  • understanding emotions
  • controlling emotions
  • behaviour modification
  • accessing resources
  • identifying talents
  • encouraging positive outcomes
  • building social skills
  • positive thinking
  • academic excellence
  • enhanced work ethics
  • improved concentration and study skills
  • overcoming bullying and social issues

ELC helps alleviate the bumps and rollercoaster ride associated with mainstream schools.

Students in ELC - Learning and Management

  • Assessment and tuition tailored to individual needs.
  • Use existing text used in MOST schools on the Sunshine Coast.
  • Same ‘language’, same terms = increased confidence in the classroom.
  • Maths – taught through diagnostic testing so only the ‘unknown’ is taught.
  • Maths – 99% books and pencil for learning setting out and problem solving.
  • No boredom through ‘active’ approach in different curriculum areas in a short timeframe.
  • Holistic in approach, with all facets of an individual factored in the ELC process.
  • Assisting families.
  • Assisting the student in relation to their school and teachers.
  • Enhancing self-esteem
  • Building self-confidence
  • Overcoming bullying or social issues

ELC Understanding

  • Every person is different: physically, cognitively and socially.
  • Everyone’s needs are different and need to be fulfilled in different ways.
  • Everyone is special.
  • Everyone has a right to feel and be safe.
  • Everyone has a right to be respected and accepted.
  • Learning is fun.
  • Life is to be enjoyed.
  • It is a student’s right to have choice of profession and a future of their choice.

WE CAN HELP and have HELPED many, many students, who are now realising their dreams, happily! WE ARE THE BEST at what we DO!!!

The ELC program incorporates:

  • Mathematics and English
  • Core sciences: Chemistry, Physics, Biology
  • Other school subjects
  • Work presentation
  • Student Management
  • Assessments
  • Self-Esteem/Confidence building
  • Global Learning
  • Fast-tracked Learning
  • Self-paced Learning
  • Working with Families
  • Behaviour Modification
  • Accessing Resources
  • Identifying Talents
  • Nurturing Individuals
  • Pastoral Care
  • Specialist Care

After Acceptance into ELC

Within the ELC process, we:

  • undertake more detailed diagnostics.
  • ascertain a holistic understanding of the student socially, cognitively, psychologically: strengths and weaknesses, preferred learning styles, likes and dislikes.
  • continually incorporate on-going assessments.
  • structure activities and interaction to enhance self-esteem, confidence and cognitive learning.
  • source expertise for specific learning needs.
  • work with families to achieve the best outcomes.
  • help with activities directly and indirectly associated with school requirements
  • support students in their growth and learning stages.