Frequently Asked Questions

Do you tutor? Are you a tutoring company? Do you provide tuition?

Parents are realising that there is a better alternative to tutoring. They come looking for ‘maths tutoring’, ‘English tuition’ or a ‘science tutor’ and find here more than they had imagined.

ELC’s method is different from tutoring because we teach ahead of schools. We know the curriculum and the most important concepts that students will need to do well at school, and we teach these before students encounter them at school.

Traditional tutoring is a game of catch-up, always bringing struggling students back up to standard in one concept but never looking forward to the next concept, so the student too easily falls behind again. Constantly falling behind is a real drain on students’ self-believe and motivation.

By learning concepts as soon as they know the foundation concepts (rather than waiting for schools to introduce them), students’ confidence and ability snowballs forwards rather than backwards. Students find themselves ahead of the pack. The work is easy – more like revision, understanding more deeply. And they can easily achieve better marks.

What subjects do you teach?

We focus on Maths and English, but cover any other subjects as needed.

Based on the Australian National Curriculum, ELC has its own curriculum that focuses on the core components of maths and English. In Years P to 9, all ELC students concentrate on Maths because the concepts and skills are numerous and need to build on one another in order. Our secondary focus English core-skills and the structure and features of the main genres pieces. By relieving the stress and workload associated with Maths and English, students are freer to apply themselves to the other subjects at school and so generally don’t need much support in these.

Whenever students have difficulty with any of their school subjects, they bring in their work so that we can explain it, make sure they understand and can move forward. If needed, we switch our focus, short-term, to work through that particular assignment or topic so that we can return to our long-term core-skills focus.

The program of Years 10, 11 and 12 students at ELC is generally driven by their current schoolwork. This can include direct point-of-need tutoring in Maths, English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and other Sciences. We can also help with any other school subjects, as the planning, research, writing and presentation skills need are broadly the same – only the content differs.

Students working well ahead in Maths and English can branch out into the sciences, history, geography and other areas as time allows.

How much does ELC cost?

Please see our Pricing page.

What are the session times and term/holiday dates?

ELC sessions are 75 minutes.

  • 3:30 – 4:45 Monday to Friday
  • 5:00 – 6:15 Monday to Thursday
  • 6:30 – 7:45 Tuesday

ELC operates for each week of each term of a public school year. Terms are usually 10 or 11 weeks long, comprising 41 weeks per year.

Our term dates are the same as the Queensland Department of Education, except that we operate public holidays that fall during public school terms. The exception is Good Friday; the combination of public holiday, Friday, last day of term and Easter means most families prefer to make family plans.

The Queensland Government school calendars are here.

Do you operate on public holidays?

Most families are happy to keep continuity by attending public holidays, so we operate on any public holidays that fall during public school terms. The exception is Good Friday; the combination of public holiday, Friday, last day of term and Easter means most families prefer to make family plans.

If your session is on a public holiday and you have plans, that’s fine. Please let us know in advance so that we can arrange an alternative session.

Why is ELC important in today’s world?

We know the education and school systems, their environments, and how difficult it can be in these large environments to get the individual care and attention that our children deserve.

As parents, the importance we place on an educational institution is often in this order: safety and discipline, the student’s happiness and then education.

If the first two are met… we generally “roll along” with the third.

The quality of education is important for the individual and family well-being. A satisfaction in knowing that your child is enjoying the year is often enough. If they’re happy, you’re happy! It is indicative of school being a fun place to be, personality clashes with teachers and other students is confined to the past or until future years!

Quality of education can often become a low parent priority in a busy world and in the education world of today, often we don’t understand. Immersed in the stress of our own lives it usually follows behind safety, the student’s happiness and well-being and a disciplined environment.

Students who have received specialised learning at some stage during their school years operate at a higher level of confidence and understanding.

How can I help my child decide what career they will like?

We often bring up university and career in conversation with our students, and you should too, to:

  • instil the idea that they will naturally progress to tertiary education or training;
  • develop children’s thoughts of their future direction;
  • connect the their effort today with their future ambitions.

These days we can change career path many time throughout our life. Students have little experience of the world of careers and jobs, so it is difficult for them to imagine what they might enjoy, especially if they aren’t aware of the options.

Suggest exploring these sites to broaden their knowledge or discover a dream job:

My Future

What registration does ELC have to work with children?

ELC has special Queensland Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardians registration (number 125048/1). All employees in Extended Learning Centres are checked for suitability for child related employment through the CCYPCG.

How can I log in to the ELC Student resource area?

Current ELC students can ask us for login details.

Here you can access essay structure and other writing templates, instructions and tips; explanations, and information on many school subjects; referencing guides and extra practice exercises.

Invoices and Payments

We email invoices each term. We’ll send your first invoice after your first session.

Payment is due before the end of Week 1 each term, or within 1 week of invoice, whichever is later. Please do contact us if you need to discuss this so as not to jeopardise your ELC placement.

Payment method details are on your invoice – cash, direct credit transfer, cheque, but no EFTPOS.

Cash payments are receipted, but cheques and electronic transfers are not, unless requested, because your bank keeps record of these.

Absences and catch-up sessions

If you need to miss your session, please notify us as soon as possible. This is important, since otherwise we get worried!

The other reason is that we put a lot of effort into trying to organise for the session to be used by another student, or extra time for deserving students at no cost. Each term, ELC sponsors several students who are experiencing difficult circumstances but who show great enthusiasm for learning, pro bono.

Your fees cover your set session time each week. Since we want to maintain our low student-educator ratio, we can offer extra sessions to make up for a missed session only where we know far enough in advance that we will have another student absent, whose session you might take.

Absences due to illness can be made up at other times, subject still to availability, so organise your catch-up session straight away.

ELC fees are per term, rather than per week or per session, so we do not carry unattended sessions into the next term. And regrettably we cannot refund for unattended sessions as we are covering for staff and your placement whether the student is here or not.

Please see our Conditions of Enrolment.

Missed sessions policy explanation

Over the years, we have thought very carefully about our enrolment regulations, and one that we have had to be very consistent with is not carrying missed sessions over to new terms. We try hard to be flexible and provide alternative sessions wherever possible, but we can only guarantee your regular session time; we can’t guarantee catch-ups. Since your term fees go to covering educators only for your regular set placement for the whole term, having to provide educators for your missed regular session as well as a catch-up while maintaining our educator-student ratio would mean extra educators. If each student were to request just a single carry-over – all other factors being perfect – we would have to provide a minimum 10% extra staff to cover the next term, naturally necessitating a price increase. The effect would increase prices again the following term. That’s why our fees are per term rather than per session.

The only way in which we are able to offer catch-ups without substantially raising prices – which we put a lot of effort into – is by offering out the placements of students who have given at least a few days’ notice of absence, since we have already provided staff for that student’s session whether that student attends or not.

What to bring?

We provide all stationary. And water to drink. Students should have a snack before their session starts.

Student’s should bring any school work that they need help with.

Once we start English genre writing on computer, a USB stick is useful to take work to and from ELC.

Each week, students bring in their ELC homework folder which we provide at their first session.

Does ELC give homework?

Between ELC sessions, students should always continue with their maths process of diagnostic tests and/or concept practice.

Drop-off and pick-up

There is a very short changeover time between sessions so it is not practical to chat to every parent in this time. Instead, please keep in touch via email or phone.

We encourage students to come into ELC by themselves if old enough. Students must wait inside ELC until they see their parents’ car. Students may only leave ELC by themselves if parents arrange this with ELC staff first.

Students should wait in the foyer until their session’s start time or until they are invited in by an educator.

We kindly ask parents wishing to catch one of our staff also to wait in the foyer until invited into the learning areas. We encouraged you to contact us through phone or email because we do not have time to meet during or between sessions. A quick email giving feedback on student progress at home or school is always welcome! (This could include progress on behaviour modification.)

Can my child do their schoolwork at ELC?

Of course, your child is welcome to bring in schoolwork that they need help with or that they simply may like to share or discuss.

Our long-term aim is to work ahead of school by focusing on the ELC curriculum, but if there is current school work that they need support with, then that becomes our short-term focus to alleviate stress, which then allows us to focus once again on working ahead.

Can I change my session time?

Your regular session time can be changed permanently, if necessary, only if an alternative is available. One-off session changes might be possible if you can attend the session of another student who has given us notice of their future absence.

Please see our Conditions of Enrolment.

Who will work with my child?

Our educators – we are educators rather than tutors because we do more than is commonly associated with tutoring – must have the intrinsic capacity to develop rapport, communicate on many levels and facilitate the building of knowledge.

Beyond this, our educators must know their stuff. We cover all areas of mathematics including Maths B for Year 11 and Year 12. They must know the genre structures in English, including thesis essays (argumentative, analytical), narrative and short story, monologues, reports, speeches, feature articles and news writing. We provide templates and information on these forms but it is the connectivity or our educators that instils this information as understanding.

A key feature of our educators is that they are intimate with the how the school system works and how to “play the school game”.

All our staff are cleared by Queensland Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardians to work with children.