Conditions of Enrolment

The following 14 points are agreed upon enrolment. We will bring these to your attention before you enrol and answer any questions you have.

Leaving ELC

  1. Enrolment continues automatically from term to term, year to year.
  2. To cancel enrolment, parents/guardians must give notice in writing before the end of term, otherwise next term’s full fees apply, regardless of whether the student attends.
  3. Failure to give two weeks’ notice in writing results in full term fees payable.
  4. The enrolment can be cancelled only by the parent/guardian in writing or by ELC. ELC will always consult with parents/guardians before cancelling an enrolment.
  5. Re-enrolling after leaving will depend on availability and could incur new setup fees.


  1. Unattended sessions are forfeited.
  2. Only at ELC’s discretion may absences (only those due to illness) be made up in another session. Making up unattended sessions can only ever be considered during the same term and is often not possible at all.
  3. Fees are payable whether the student attends or not.
  4. ELC must be notified of a student’s non-attendance prior to their session.
  5. Fees are to be paid for a full term placement, unless other specific arrangements have been agreed to by ELC.
  6. Fees can change from term to term.


  1. Enrolling a student at ELC reserves the position for that student only.
  2. Students must comply with ELC rules and staff instructions.
  3. ELC has permission to contact me with the details provided and I will inform ELC if these change.


Below is extra information and explanation. It does not form part of the Conditions of Enrolment.


Absences and Catch-ups

Your fees cover only your set session time each week. We can’t offer extra sessions to make up for a missed session except where we know far enough in advance that we will have another student absent, whose session you might take. We are always mindful of our student-educator ratio.

If you need to miss your session, please notify us as soon as possible. This is IMPERATIVE!!! Otherwise we get worried!

The other reason is that we put a lot of effort into trying to organise for the session to be used by another student, or extra time for deserving students at no cost.

Each term, ELC sponsors several students who are experiencing difficult circumstances but who show great enthusiasm for learning, pro bono.

Absences due to illness might be made up at other times, but only subject to availability, so the earlier it is organised, the better our chances of finding an extra session for you.

ELC fees are per term, rather than per week or per session, so we do not carry unattended sessions into the next term.

And unfortunately we cannot refund for unattended sessions as we are covering for staff and your placement whether the student is here or not.

Missed sessions policy explanation

Over the years, we have thought very carefully about our enrolment regulations, and one that we have had to be very consistent with is not carrying missed sessions over to new terms. We try hard to be flexible and provide alternative sessions wherever possible, but we can only guarantee your regular session time; we can’t guarantee catch-ups. Since your term fees go to covering educators only for your regular set placement for the whole term, having to provide educators for your missed regular session as well as a catch-up while maintaining our educator-student ratio would mean extra educators. If each student were to request just a single carry-over – all other factors being perfect – we would have to provide a minimum 10% extra staff to cover the next term, naturally necessitating a price increase. The effect would increase prices again the following term. That’s why our fees are per term rather than per session.

The only way in which we are able to offer catch-ups without substantially raising prices – which we put a lot of effort into –  is by offering out the placements of students who have given at least a few days’ notice of absence; since we have already provided staff for that student’s session whether that student attends or not, we can offer it as an extra to another student at no cost.