Dear Parents,
Extended Learning Centres (ELC) provide systematic, structured student tuition for shaping futures and academic excellence for students P -12.
Tuition, Extension Schooling and positive behavioural change and the psychology of good learning can be found at our highly resourced Centre in Brisbane Rd, Mooloolaba. This encompasses the best of tutoring, mentoring, coaching, positive thinking, pastoral care and student management …all in one location. ELC learning is about understanding the individual and catering to their learning style, whether it is those with learning difficulties or the gifted learner.
Better results ultimately offer greater career choices.
This is achieved through personalised learning, programmed to each individual student, at their own pace regardless of Year level. 95% of ELC students work at levels beyond their school year level. Learning is delivered as 360 degree learning, wherever the need may be, while reinforcing positive school and home work habits. This is vital in the formative or developmental years.
Emphasis is placed on mathematics (written maths, not computerised, as setting out with modelling and problem solving is essential) as it is the best path to a great OP/Tertiary Education Ranking, and starts in the early primary school years. This delivers confidence building quickly and encourages interest and involvement in science. In secondary school, ELC students with good maths are streamed into higher achieving classes (extension maths) with ‘smarter’ teachers and fellow classmates, all moving in the same direction.
Students at ELC are trained to write effective essays using set strategies for different styles and genre with a minimum of fuss. Spelling, comprehension and reading, grammar …is covered through effective, interactive audio visuals which assess and provide results of improvements. Students are trained how to use the internet effectively for school based assignments and projects and in the process effective use of word documents, spreadsheets and publishing.
Students operate on the very edge of what they do know and don’t know.
No time is wasted completing concepts they already know. For this reason any student’s learning can be accelerated quickly. Due to the nature of our individual programs, ELC Mooloolaba have excelling students from all levels, however, many are the smartest, most gifted and talented students in Queensland. We take great pride in being involved with these students and to be personally directing their learning.
Students learn in a our stimulating environment with access as needed to programs and aides for numeracy, literacy, geography, mapping, lateral thinking and science. This is inclusive of computer aided learning in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, introduced to students well in advance of that provided by schools to enable greater choice in future years.
ELC is not a substitute for a student’s school (although we do have many home schooled students) but complements their school, where necessary, as sustained achievement within this context is desirable as a precursor for effective learning at university. ‘Dumbing down’ is NOT a consideration at ELC but actively promotes the opposite, ‘learning to potential’, a child’s right …so that in the long term access to all professions and the university of choice is a possible, personal option. We train students to use their time wisely, in fact they MUST, when they are ahead at school, to promote maturity and personal excellence.
We educate all students, but without doubt, this system works best with intuitive students. This includes 98% of students in any given classroom. The young people of today are smart, due to access to travel, better books and magazines, television, internet and communication systems and better school learning facilities. On old IQ scales they are rating up to 20 IQ points above peers of twenty years ago. Due to this, present day learning, which still ‘boxes’ concepts into Year levels, doesn’t happen quickly enough and therefore they often find school learning stilted and in their words -‘boring’. Educating to a student’s own ability or potential at ELC breaks through the Year level barriers.
Connectivity and personal care of our ELC students with personalised learning tailored to suit individual needs, is our priority. EVERY CHILD is DIFFERENT!
We work with families to achieve the best outcomes at home for peace of mind and family harmony, and help educate families to understand how to PLAY the education game. In this way our learning is meaningful and inclusive of families.
Special emphasis is placed on the foundation / formative years; ideally to start well before Year 9. Our Year 11’s and 12’s are those who started in earlier years and are provided with specialist Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology educators.
Parents MUST be comfortable with the ELC process of deliverance of learning to a child’s own potential before any enrolment will be considered.
Please feel free to contact me.
Leo Blore
Extended Learning Centres
07 54781172

Better results ultimately offer greater career choices. This is achieved through personalised learning, programmed to each individual student, at their own pace regardless of Year level.

The best of tutoring, mentoring, coaching, positive thinking, pastoral care and student management …all in one location.
You can give your child the widest choice of careers and lifestyle.
Call or email to enquire today!