Find and fill gaps from remote schooling due to Covid-19. Tutoring at ELC Mooloolaba will help primary and secondary students finish the school year stronger.

Maths and English tutoring during Covid-19


Education, school and tutoring in the face of Covid-19 2022 Term 1 Update For a moment there, we thought school disruptions might be behind us. While we have so far ‘got of lightly’ compared to southern states, the last two years of uncertainty, precautions, changes, delays, illness and home learning have been taking their toll

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Logos of Typing Club, Khan Academy and Duolingo, Extended Learning Centres' recommended free online learning activities this holidays while kids are stuck inside isolation due to Coronavirus and Covid-19 to learn maths, languages or typing

Looking for free remote learning activities this holiday?


During the Covid-19 social restrictions ELC has moved temporarily to remote learning to keep our students’ safe while keeping their hard-earned progress from being compromised. From Term 2 2020 we are once again running in-centre tuition with increased hygiene measures and limited students numbers. But if you’re looking for more to keep students occupied while

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