20 May 2016
Great learning requires two vital elements. The bucket of self-belief and the bucket of academics. The bucket of academics will never hold if the bucket of self-belief is not filled. This is the psychology of learning. Every teacher MUST be conscious of it and use it to connect with their students. Having the right positive
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26 April 2016
Teaching of maths concepts to students in schools is like being taught how to ride a horse over several years where the learner never gets to ride the horse until the last year. In the first year you can pat the horse, in the second year touch the bridle. Slow, disjointed, boring, laborious with poor
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06 May 2015
One of the greatest expectations of educators at ELC is that they do not merely help with a direct point of need without imparting a deeper lesson; in other words, we do not ‘spoon feed’ or ‘hold a student’s hand every step of the way’ so that they might find themselves at the end of
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