Mother comforting sad daughter by telling her, "It's ok - we're just not maths people."

I’m just not a “maths person”


What if we are ALL maths people, but some of us have been led to believe we’re not? And what if we’re passing on to our kids a detrimental preconception about maths? Is there even such a thing as a “maths person”??? When I hear this phrase used, it’s mostly by parents talking about themselves

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Illustration of teenage brains

Preparing Students For Puberty


“I used to get this stuff…” At puberty, the teenage brain temporarily looses some of its capacity for academics.   We want our students to have learnt ahead in the core curriculum with us, BEFORE they hit puberty. That’s the plan – if we get them early enough. And we want you to know what

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Guilty pleasure I guarantee you’ve more than once suppressed that slippery guilt that comes with putting off today what could be done tomorrow. And you have no idea how long this topic has been on my own to-do list! (This is a long one, but we cover a LOT of good stuff.) So it’s not

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“I don’t want tuition!”


Daniel Blore is Manager and Educator at Extended Learning Centres, Mooloolaba So, your child isn’t keen on ‘tutoring’? I don’t blame them!!! Many kids have a negative preconception of tutoring based either on their own experience, “It’s a waste of my time,” or on the schoolyard stigma, “Tuition is for dumb kids.” On average, tuition

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Test results are not everything

Learning Ahead vs. Latest Test Results – the bigger picture


The best way of effecting long-term student success is to expose students to curriculum ahead of school. When working towards a student’s future, we always take into account the bigger picture and the long-term. This goes to the core of what we do. Over-emphasising test scores. Following the dominant school narrative, parents sometimes don’t realise that

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Psychology of effective learning, connectivity, confidence

Psychology of Effective Learning


Great learning requires two vital elements. The bucket of self-belief and the bucket of academics. The bucket of academics will never hold if the bucket of self-belief is not filled. This is the psychology of learning. Every teacher MUST be conscious of it and use it to connect with their students. Having the right positive

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Puberty – empathise with your teenager


It’s that age and stage at which we all lose control of things a bit. When your child starts making strange decisions and overreacting to tiny things, remember: don’t take it personally, and don’t you overreact in return. In the big picture, these speed-bumps will be forgotten soon enough. Puberty varies between boys and girls,

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Psychology of Happiness for Families and Children


[VIDEO] 20 short minutes packed with simple advice for parents to reduce stress and increase happiness for themselves and their family. Even picking just a few of these and making the small, mindful effort to implement them can make a great difference to your child’s happiness now and their prospects for the future. Psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg specialises in parenting

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