Education Updates & Insights

University course price changes from 2021


Radical change to university incentives has been needed for some time. And here it is! (Announced 19 June 2020) But what a year for school-leavers! The first to graduate with an ATAR in Queensland. Learning and assessments disrupted by Covid. And now, with QTAC preference selection well underway, a university course price shake-up due to start next year has thrown

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Find and fill gaps from remote schooling due to Covid-19. Tutoring at ELC Mooloolaba will help primary and secondary students finish the school year stronger.

Maths and English tutoring during Covid-19


Education, school and tutoring in the face of Covid-19 2022 Term 1 Update For a moment there, we thought school disruptions might be behind us. While we have so far ‘got of lightly’ compared to southern states, the last two years of uncertainty, precautions, changes, delays, illness and home learning have been taking their toll

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Maths Methods leads to more careers

Which maths? Methods, Specialist or General?


Which maths? Short answer: Methods We say students should have Mathematical Methods as their default expectation, and aspire to it from early on. (Formerly equivalent to Maths B.) In Year 10, students choose which maths subjects to study in Years 11 and 12 for their QCE. But the road to Maths Methods starts years before

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Keep Calm and NAPLAN

Keep Calm and NAPLAN


In March, Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students will sit the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) test (in May prior to 2023). While the data might be put to good use, the overemphasis routinely placed on these tests defeats the point. It would be valuable to have an accurate measure of

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Test results are not everything

School marks for written tasks


Dan Blore is Manager and Educator at Extended Learning Centres, Mooloolaba If you notice that your secondary students are given marks for English or other written assessments which seem below the standard of work submitted, we recommend that you make a point of politely contacting your school for some objective feedback on why. Without your

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student bored or confused in classroom

PSMTs: Maths Problem-Solving and Modelling Tasks


New open-ended maths focus in Queensland schools needs students and teachers to adapt and think differently Thanks to the spike in anxiety levels of Years 7 to 10 children, many parents are aware of the shifting school maths curriculum. It’s moving away from: Clear tasks with a well-defined procedure from start to end, with one

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Mathematical Methods General maths specialist maths explained

New QCE Maths Subjects Explained


New Senior Maths Subjects Explanation  – as briefly as possible – 2020 update In Year 10, students select which mathematics subject/s to study in Years 11 and 12 for their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). Year 11s in 2019 were the first Queensland students to start the new maths subjects, which are Queensland’s implementation of

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Maths Methods leads to more careers

Mathematics A, B or C – which should my child study?


2018 Update: With the transition from OP to ATAR, the names and structure of Queensland senior maths subjects changed. The below is still generally applicable if you change the names: Maths A – General Mathematics Maths B – Mathematical Methods Maths C – Specialist Mathematics Here is our UPDATED post incorporating the NEW Australian Curriculum

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maths streaming

Maths Streaming – best strategies for individuals


Your child should be aiming to be towards the head of the pack in mathematics from early on. The later it’s left, the harder it is to catch up. Some schools start ‘streaming’ students into higher- and lower-level mathematics groups way before they start actively talking about career pathways. This presupposes that students in lower

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Students’ potential shouldn’t be limited by their year level


Most students who present to Extended Learning Centres are ready for concepts above their year level. In many cases, WAY beyond their year level. Maths expectations at school are too low, largely because Queensland’s year levels have been “elongated” rather than updated. At ELC, because we teach individuals, not classes, not year levels, we can: target students’ needs,

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