Mother comforting sad daughter by telling her, "It's ok - we're just not maths people."

I’m just not a “maths person”


What if we are ALL maths people, but some of us have been led to believe we’re not? And what if we’re passing on to our kids a detrimental preconception about maths? Is there even such a thing as a “maths person”??? When I hear this phrase used, it’s mostly by parents talking about themselves

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Learning to learn – Why we won’t sit with one student for 75 minutes


We do not ‘spoon-feed’ our students. As they progress through year-levels, successful students are those who ‘help themselves’ rather than relying on an overworked and possibly disinterested classroom teacher to explain everything they need to know. When we focus on building independent learners rather than just imparting content, there are long-term benefits for students which

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Logos of Typing Club, Khan Academy and Duolingo, Extended Learning Centres' recommended free online learning activities this holidays while kids are stuck inside isolation due to Coronavirus and Covid-19 to learn maths, languages or typing

Looking for free remote learning activities this holiday?


During the Covid-19 social restrictions ELC has moved temporarily to remote learning to keep our students’ safe while keeping their hard-earned progress from being compromised. From Term 2 2020 we are once again running in-centre tuition with increased hygiene measures and limited students numbers. But if you’re looking for more to keep students occupied while

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Feeling ‘in control’ of the school journey


Students shouldn’t feel swept along or left behind by school! It is their journey – they should know where they’re going, and be relaxed and confident behind the steering wheel. When driving a car, we have learned not to focus on the road immediately in front of the vehicle. Otherwise we have no time to

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Study Like a Champion – Part 3


Pro tips to train for success at school like you train for sport Part 3 of 4 4. Train Regularly Like a gym/training regime for your body, your mind will improve best if you commit to an effective study plan. Put it on paper, keep it on the wall, and stick to it closely. Once

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Study Like a Champion – Part 2


Pro tips to train for success at school like you train for sport Part 2 of 4 2. Practice and self-reflection Like analysing game footage, make notes on what you just learned. Keep them neat and concise, yet detailed. Making the notes helps organise the knowledge in your brain. And it gives you something to

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plan homework and study

Study Like a Champion – Part 1


Pro tips to train for success at school like you train for sport Part 1 of 4 Try these five simple tips from top Year 12 students and print our checklist to track your progress. You take your sport seriously, right? Well, tackling Years 11 and 12 as a pro is like an athlete conditioning

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Girl believes tutoring can't help her catch up to her peers because she believes she is dumb

What is the point of assessment?


By Dan Blore, Educator Have you ever asked yourself, “What is the point of assessment?” Great teachers ask themselves that constantly. Jump to 5-minute video explanation of Formative and Summative assessments Jump to 2-minute video: Judging Good Assessment As an adult, when is the last time you took an exam? We expect school to prepare

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Psychology of effective learning, connectivity, confidence

Psychology of Effective Learning


Great learning requires two vital elements. The bucket of self-belief and the bucket of academics. The bucket of academics will never hold if the bucket of self-belief is not filled. This is the psychology of learning. Every teacher MUST be conscious of it and use it to connect with their students. Having the right positive

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Teaching maths in advance

Teaching Students Maths in Advance


Teaching of maths concepts to students in schools is like being taught how to ride a horse over several years where the learner never gets to ride the horse until the last year. In the first year you can pat the horse, in the second year touch the bridle. Slow, disjointed, boring, laborious with poor

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